Saturday, March 22, 2008

drop handkerchief game

another childhood game that provided us with immense fun was played using a piece of cloth or a large handkerchief. this game usually involved a big group of children, say, at least ten children. i have seen some teachers - obviously, not trained in physical education - letting their pupils play this game during their physical education lessons. outside of the school, i have not seen young children playing this game for a long, long time.

we would be seated in a circle, all facing inside. the cardinal rule of the game was that you were not to turn around or look behind you. one player would be chosen to begin the game. he or she would walk outside the circle and then surreptitiously dropped the handkerchief at the back of one of the players seated in the circle formation.

the player who had dropped the handkerchief would try and act nonchalant and continue to walk. if he or she returned to the point where the handkerchief had been dropped and the other player was still seated, he/she would pick up the handkerchief and use it to hit the player. this hit player would have to run around to dodge the hitting, if he could, and whoever managed to find a vacant space first would get to sit.

on the other hand, if the seated player had sensed correctly that the handkerchief had been placed behind him, he would pick up the handkerchief and start chasing the 'dropper' who had to run, until one of them find a vacant place to sit. whoever was left standing would be the one to drop the handkerchief again.

of course, there are variations to the way this game can be played.


Lam Chun See said...

Yes I think I vaguely remember this game.

yg said...

actually this game is not unique to singapore or this region; it is played internationally.

Unk Dicko said...

I can recall this game. Though I've never played it myself. I've seen little girls playing it in the distant past, not today. So,I checked with my Mrs and she confirmed she too had played this version before as a kid.
Usually, the game is started with someone chosen to "pasang" after they had all fought out the
rituals of " Oh Pey Som ".
Perhaps, YG or Chun See should
blog about the variations of these OPS thing. Even China, Japan,HK and Taiwan have their own versions!