Wednesday, February 6, 2008

reunion dinner @ jelapang

this year we opted for steamboat dinner. first had to discard last year's korean bbq set because it had given up on us. also threw away another old set which made use of cartridge gas. the present set which we acquired last year makes use of electric power.

for the soup stock, we used the thigh bones of the pig. three types of vegetables - long cabbage, tang oh and pharng chye - were cooked in the soup. i bought fishballs from woodlands loop, shabu shabu beef and chicken cutlets from cold storage.

the other stuff that eventually went into the steamboat included abalone, scallops, big prawns, prawn balls, meat balls, button mushrooms, cuttle fish, pork, eggs, dried fish maw and crab sticks.

for dessert, we had orh nee with pumpkin which i had bought from block 15 woodlands loop.

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